El Día de Muertos es una tradición indigena de miles de años. Su visión indígena implica el retorno de las almas de los muertos. Quienes regresan a casa, al mundo de los vivos para convivir …
Articles & Reading
José Guadalupe and the Famous Catrina
La Calavera Catrina is an icon of Mexican culture, and is ever present during the Day of the Dead. In recent years her popularity has grown. People all over the world wear makeup and costume to …
What Ancient Cultures Teach Us About Grief and Mourning
“As scholars of death and mourning rituals, we believe that Día de los Muertos traditions are most likely connected to feasts observed by the ancient Aztecs. Today, they honor the memory of the dead and …
Virtual Exhibition: National Museum of Mexican Art
“This year’s exhibition pays tribute to and remembers the numerous individuals from our community, Mexico, the U.S. and the entire world that have died from COVID-19.” Chicago IL
La Catrina: The dark history of Day of the Dead’s immortal icon
Everywhere you look on the streets during Day of the Dead celebrations across Latin America, a familiar face looks back. A face that juxtaposes the macabre and the elegant, it’s in the makeup on children’s faces, …
Day of the Dead History & Culture
A dedication to the deceased Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos) is a two day holiday that reunites the living and dead. Families create ofrendas (Offerings) to honor their departed family members that …
Top 10 Things to Know About Day of the Dead
Here’s one thing we know: Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is not a Mexican version of Halloween. Though related, the two annual events differ greatly in traditions and tone. Whereas Halloween is …